Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm in the middle of a nice visit with Preston Parsons prior to his departure to England. He brough over a couple of nice photos. The first is of "The Peterborough" with some rain. The second is of "Courage" out on the water. Both photos were taken by Preston during Homecoming Weekend earlier in September

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

These photos of the old Peterborough canoe are out of sequence with the last post, but, oh well! The first shows the canvas and filler ready for paint. The new gunnels are on and all varnished. I managed to find some old sproce gunnel stock in the rafters of the new shop building that were ideal for this canoe, though I did have to reduce them a little to achive the correct dimension and shape.

A new Peterborough Canoe Co. bow decal really sets of the new deck The new deck is in cherry, the originals were usually maple.

All done escept for the seat weaving which will be done before delivery to camp.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I just got back from a weekend at camp.  Girls 1 had just let out and the staff were awaiting the Arrival of Girls 2 and Discovery Boys.  We got out just in time!  Actually, it was a relaxing weekend as everybody wound down and rested up for there new efforts.

I took out the recently completed Peterborough canoe, the one that you see in previous posts.  I'll be posting the rest of the restoration story (and others!) as time permits.
The big news, as far as the wood canoes goes, is that there is now the beginning of proper shelter! Yeah!  You can see the corner of a frame roof in the top corner.  OK, there's just a blue tarp for a roof right now, but the structure is there and it is really making a difference.

 There are 5 canoes in service condition right now.  One more, the Chestnut sailing canoe, had a stemband catch on a floating rope and that pulled a section off, so there are a few exposed screw holes that will let water in.  That is easy enough to fix.

Here is one of the ways that many were using to enjoy cooling off from the heat.  There were a few people who could actually run all four of the canoes!  Don't worry, those are the plastic canoes!

 And the new swimming platform is getting good use, too.