Wednesday, August 12, 2009

During Classic Girls II, Grace was returned to her home at MPC. Taking the opportunity, Chris Milne and I decided to present her to the gathered staff and campers after supper.

We took down one of the old canoes from the dining hall rafters. Chris spoke about the history that these canoes represent and our role as stewards of that history. He also spoke about how camp is setting this as a higher priority than it has been in the past. He asked the girls to close their eyes, then we switched out this old canoe and put Grace in. When the girls opened their eyes and saw Grace instead of the old canoe, you could hear a very audible, collective, "OH!" of surprise.

This is camp's Peterborough canoe. It is an old low end Champlain model. That big smashed in hole that you see was the result of the canoe being blown off of the front bay canoe racks in a very strong wind. The Peterborough landed on the arm of the next canoe rack, which impaled it.

This is my next project. While others get to do repair work on the canoes in decent condition, I get the "baskets cases"!

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